
Accounts Payable

Approve an Expense Report

Approvers are expected to review all details and entries within the report for appropriateness and policy compliance. This includes, but is not limited to, the following for all expense reports:

    • Reviewing the payment method to ensure that out-of-pocket entries were not charged to a PCard and should be reimbursed.
    • Reviewing the allocations to ensure the correct index and expense types are used.
    • Reviewing the business purpose and appropriateness of each purchase.
    • Ensuring funds are available for the expense.
    • Reviewing all transactions for ensure policy compliance.
      • Was sales tax charged?
      • Were there any goods or services purchased for personal use?
    • Reviewing all exceptions and working with users to be in compliance and reduce the number of approved exceptions.
    • Ensuring proper documentation and comments are included to support the Expense Report, including itemized receipts for all transactions.

Additional Resources:

  • Reviewing and Approving an Expense Report (, )
  • Sending an Expense Report Back for Correction (, )
  • Adding an Additional Approver to the Workflow聽(, )

Questions?聽- Please email聽PCardTravelSupport@utoledo.edu