Guidance on UToledo Affiliate Status for Research Related Activities
Persons other than current UToledo employees and students who require an active UT Rocket number to participate in a UToledo related research activity must obtain a UToledo Affiliate account through their sponsoring administrative host department, college, or unit.
The process for establishing a UToledo Affiliate account for research related activities is initiated by the administrative host that will be responsible for the affiliate.
The process for establishing a new research related UToledo Affiliate account has two steps:
- Request for UToledo Affiliate status (and a new Rocket number, as needed) submitted to UToledo Information Technology and,
- Request restricted/debarred party screening from the Office or Research and Sponsored Programs at, as described below.
Only after UToledo Affiliate status is confirmed (and a new Rocket number is issued, as needed) and the required restricted/debarred party screening is complete can an external affiliate begin research related activities at UToledo.
Note that the Affiliate Code selection affects how the UToledo Affiliate account can be used by the external affiliate.听 Affiliate status is valid for one year. For persons engaged in research related activities, select one of the following Affiliate Codes:
- HSC 向日葵视频ing Scholar: 向日葵视频ing academics engaged in research on Health Science Campus. Affiliated generally with another college or university.
- Main Campus 向日葵视频ing Scholar: 向日葵视频ing academics engaged in research on Main Campus. Affiliated generally with another college or university.
- Research Collaborators: Paid research consultants and external professionals engaged in sponsored research programs as unpaid volunteers not through properly executed sub-contracts.
- Research Students Off-Semester: All undergraduate students engaged in sponsored summer research programs (UToledo Undergraduate Research awards, ACS SEED, NSF REU).
- Research Volunteers: All unpaid student volunteers, and external institutional board committee members (i.e. IRB, IACUC, IBC).
When the new Affiliate account is enabled a new Rocket number is issued.听 The Rocket number is needed for restricted/debarred party screening.
Restricted/Debarred Party Screening Requirement
Restricted/debarred party screening is required for external UToledo Affiliates who will be engaged in the following volunteer research related activities:
- Volunteers in research laboratories on Main and Health Science campuses.
- Membership on protocol review boards and committees, such as the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Institutional Biosafety Committee, and Institutional Review Board.
Restricted/debarred party screening is NOT required for the following groups:
- Minor high school students who have been approved through the Minors on Campus process.
- Undergraduate students from U.S. colleges and universities who are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents.
The administrative host of an external affiliate must request restricted/debarred party screening from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs as described on the Restricted Party Screening web page 听before an administrative host engages the Affiliate volunteer in research related activities.
Restricted/debarred party screening requests made by the administrative host for research volunteers must include the external Affiliate Rocket number and a brief description of the expected role of the external volunteer. The administrative host requestor will be notified of the restricted/debarred party status by return e-mail within five (5) business days.听 Restricted/debarred party screening of persons expires generally when the UToledo affiliate status ends.
Inquiries regarding processes required for research related UToledo Affiliates should be directed e-mail to
Volunteer hosts (a University employee) and volunteers in Academic Research (for example, research laboratories), Scholarship, and University Activities, are expected to follow the Volunteer Procedures.
If you are seeking volunteer opportunities at the University of Toledo Medical Center and Patient Clinics you must have clearance from the , Dowling Hall on the Health Science Campus ( Program enrollment information can be found in Policy# 3364鈥103鈥怴S鈥04.